AMCC’s mission is to represent its members through specific arrangements at national and international levels in order to promote and protect the trade receivables management activities in specific ways.
AMCC will work in order to co-opt individuals and legal entities involved in the management of receivables or to conduct activities that are part of the management of receivables activities as to become a well-known manager of this activity. AMCC’s purpose is to set quality standards in the industry, to advise commercial methods for securing and guaranteeing receivables and also to evaluate methods for the solvency of legal people. In addition to this, AMCC provides consultancy on legal methods and their consequences considering the recovery of trade receivables and trade receivables management as part of the managerial activity.
All the activities will be conducted in compliance with the FENCA provisions.
AMCC has developed a Code of Conduct joined by all the member companies, regulating the activity of receivables management for the entire organization.